When a loved one passes away, the emotional weight can feel overwhelming. In moments of reflection, many people wonder whether those they’ve lost might still be watching over them. It’s natural to seek comfort and connection, and often, people report feeling the presence of their deceased loved ones in various ways. Whether you're looking for signs that your mum is watching over you, or simply seeking reassurance that a loved one is near, there are several common ways the departed may try to make their presence known.

In this post, we’ll explore 14 signs that indicate a deceased loved one may be visiting you, offering insight into how the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds can manifest.

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1. Unexplained Scent

One of the most common signs that a loved one is nearby is a sudden, familiar scent. This could be the distinctive smell of their favourite perfume, aftershave, or even a particular food they loved. Scent is closely tied to memory, and when a deceased loved one wants to remind you of their presence, they may send you a sensory reminder of the times you shared.

For example, the aroma of freshly baked bread might remind you of your grandmother’s kitchen, while the scent of a particular flower could bring back memories of a garden you both enjoyed.

2. Dreams of Your Deceased Loved One

Dreams are often seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. When a deceased loved one visits you in a dream, it is often vivid, and the feeling of connection can be powerful. These dreams usually feel more real than regular dreams, with clear messages or comforting reassurance. You may wake up with a sense of peace, knowing your loved one is still with you in some way.

Such dreams can provide reassurance that your loved one is okay. These dream encounters often come with a feeling of love or a subtle message, bringing peace to the grieving heart.

3. Sudden Changes in Temperature

udden Changes in Temperature

Have you ever noticed an unexpected chill or warmth in a room without any apparent reason? Spirits are believed to affect the energy around them, causing changes in temperature. This phenomenon could be a sign that your loved one is near, particularly if it happens in a place that holds special significance, such as a family home or a favourite spot you shared.

These changes are often subtle, like a cool breeze indoors or a sudden warm feeling around you. It’s worth noting that these experiences are commonly reported as signs of spirits, especially when loved ones visit from the afterlife.

4. Feeling Their Presence

Sometimes, you might simply feel your loved one’s presence without any obvious physical signs. This sensation can be a strong feeling that they’re sitting next to you, walking with you, or standing close by. While this experience is difficult to describe, those who have felt it often say it’s comforting and unmistakable.

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to feel the presence of a loved one who’s passed away, the answer is yes. Many report an overwhelming sense of calm, peace, or love during these moments, offering assurance that their loved one is still close, even if they can’t be seen.

5. Hearing Their Voice

Hearing the voice of a deceased loved one is another powerful sign of their presence. This could come in many forms, from hearing their laughter to a familiar phrase or even your name being called when no one else is around. While this can seem startling at first, it’s often reported as one of the clearest ways a loved one might reach out.

These auditory signs are sometimes subtle, like a whisper or the sound of their favourite song playing unexpectedly. When you hear these sounds, they might serve as a comforting reminder that your loved one is still nearby.

6. Finding Objects Out of Place

Objects that move or appear unexpectedly can be a sign from a deceased loved one. You might find something significant, like a piece of jewellery, an old photograph, or a personal item belonging to your loved one in a surprising location. Some people find coins, feathers, or even certain flowers that seem too perfectly placed to be a coincidence.

These signs from the deceased may be subtle, but they are often connected to meaningful memories or moments. Pay attention to objects that seem out of place or appear at times when you need comfort most.

7. Electrical Disturbances

Electrical Disturbances

It’s said that spirits can manipulate energy, and electrical disturbances are often cited as signs of a loved one’s visit. Lights flickering, televisions or radios turning on by themselves, or your phone acting strangely can all be indicators that someone from the afterlife is trying to communicate.

These signs can be particularly strong when they occur at significant times, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or during moments of reflection. If you’ve ever wondered how loved ones communicate after death, these unusual disruptions might be their way of reaching out.

8. Feeling Touched or Brushed

Another common sign is the sensation of being lightly touched or brushed. You might feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, a stroke on your hair, or a light pressure on your arm. While it can be surprising, many who experience this say it feels loving and reassuring, as though their loved one is comforting them in times of need.

This kind of physical sensation is often reported as one of the more intimate forms of after-death communication, offering a direct link between the spiritual and physical worlds.

9. Signs Through Nature

Many believe that spirits can send signs through nature, particularly through animals. You may notice butterflies, birds, or other animals behaving in unusual ways around you. For example, a bird landing on your windowsill or a butterfly circling you might be seen as a message from your loved one, especially if the encounter happens at a meaningful time.

These signs from loved ones in heaven are a gentle reminder that they’re watching over you, guiding you through difficult moments.

10. A Sense of Inner Knowing

Sometimes, you don’t need an external sign to know that a loved one is nearby. You might experience a deep sense of inner knowing that they’re close, offering guidance or comfort. This feeling can arise during quiet moments of reflection, meditation, or when you’re thinking about them.

This kind of connection is deeply personal, and it often provides the peace of mind many seek when wondering if their loved one is nearby. Trusting this intuition can bring comfort during times of grief.

11. Messages in Numbers or Repeating Patterns

Messages in Numbers or Repeating Patterns

Seeing repeating numbers, such as 11:11, 222, or other sequences, can be a subtle message from a deceased loved one. These numbers, often referred to as angel numbers, are believed to carry spiritual significance and are a common way for spirits to communicate. You might find that certain numbers appear frequently on clocks, receipts, or even in random places, and they often hold personal meaning tied to your loved one.

These repeating numbers can be a comforting reminder that your loved one is watching over you and sending subtle signs that they are nearby. Many interpret these number patterns as a form of after-death communication, offering reassurance and guidance.

12. Songs and Music

Music has a powerful emotional connection, and it’s not uncommon for people to feel the presence of a deceased loved one through songs. You may hear a song on the radio that reminds you of them, or a specific track may play at just the right moment, bringing back memories. These musical moments often feel too coincidental to ignore, as though your loved one is reaching out through the lyrics or melody.

Whether it's their favourite song or one that you shared together, these musical signs can serve as a heartwarming reminder that their spirit is still close. Music is often a way for loved ones to bring comfort and connection, especially during times when you're missing them the most.

13. Unusual Animal Behaviour

13. Unusual Animal Behaviour

Animals are believed to be sensitive to spiritual energies, and unusual behaviour from pets or wildlife can be a sign that your loved one is nearby. You might notice your pet acting strangely, staring at a particular spot, or behaving as though someone else is in the room. Similarly, a bird or animal showing up at an unusual time or in an unexpected place could carry spiritual significance.

These moments can be comforting, as they suggest that your loved one is using nature or animals to let you know they are still with you.

14. Seeing Their Name or Favourite Things

Another way deceased loved ones may communicate is by guiding you to see their name, initials, or things they loved in unexpected places. You might come across their name on a billboard, in a book, or on television when you least expect it. 

Additionally, encountering their favourite flower, food, or something else meaningful to them can serve as a reminder that they are still around, watching over you.

Common Questions 

Can loved ones in heaven look down on you?

Many believe that loved ones in heaven can watch over and guide you from the spiritual realm. They may send subtle signs, such as feelings of comfort, dreams, or meaningful coincidences, reminding you that they are still connected to you. While their physical presence is no longer here, their spirit may continue to offer love and support.

Is it possible to send a message to someone who has passed away?

You can send a message to a deceased loved one through your thoughts, prayers, or even writing a letter. While you might not receive a direct response, many believe your messages can be felt by those in the spiritual realm. Some people also seek out mediums or use spiritual practices to connect more directly.

Can dreams about deceased loved ones be a form of communication?

Dreams are often considered a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. If you dream about a loved one who has passed, particularly in a vivid or emotionally powerful way, it might be a visit or message from them. These dreams can offer comfort and reassurance, helping you feel closer to the person you’ve lost.

Are there specific times when loved ones are more likely to visit?

Visits from loved ones often occur during significant occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays, when emotions are heightened. However, they may also visit in moments when you need comfort or guidance, even during ordinary days. Many report feeling their loved one’s presence unexpectedly, at just the right time.

Can I ask my deceased loved one for a specific sign?

You can ask for a specific sign from your loved one, such as seeing a particular object, number, or even hearing a song that reminds you of them. While the response may not always be immediate, staying open to these signs in your daily life may reveal their presence in ways that feel deeply personal and meaningful.

How do I know if I am imagining these signs or if they are real?

It’s natural to wonder if signs from a deceased loved one are real or just your imagination, especially in times of grief. However, many find that these signs are too specific or arrive at meaningful moments to be coincidences. Trust your feelings and intuition; if a sign brings you comfort or peace, it’s likely a real message from your loved one.

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Losing a loved one is never easy, but recognising the signs that they may still be near can offer comfort and reassurance. Whether you’re finding coins in unexpected places, feeling their presence, or noticing subtle changes in your surroundings, these signs serve as gentle reminders that the bond between you and your loved one transcends the physical world.

If you're interested in developing your ability to recognise these signs or want to explore your psychic abilities further, consider enrolling in our Psychic Development Diploma Course at Centre of Excellence. For a limited time, you can get the course for a discounted price of £29

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