Have you ever contemplated your own existence or wondered why situations or occurrences happen in a certain way? Do you feel as though your life is missing a deeper meaning? If so, it may be time to explore the fascinating world of the Akashic Records.  

Woman unlocking her Akashic Records.

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The universe is a vast and expansive phenomenon, but the Akashic Records can help you gain the answers you’re looking for. The Akashic Records are said to be a boundless spiritual library that holds the secrets of our soul’s journey in the cosmos. This collection of pictorial records contains all events, thoughts, words, emotions and intents that have occurred, or will ever occur. They cover the past, present and future. The records also encompass all entities and life forms to ever exist, be they human or otherwise. They hold the secrets of the universe.

In this blog post, we’ll break down all you need to know about this almighty compendium. We’ll cover Akashic Records for beginners, detailing what they are, their history, what happens when you access your Akashic Records, where they are kept, and much more. 

What Are The Akashic Records? 

Trying to explain the Akashic Records to someone who is unfamiliar with the concept may seem to be difficult, but it is actually quite simple. The best way to describe the records is via a simple analogy. The Akashic Records are a cosmic internet; they store all the information about everything to ever happen in existence. Furthermore, the records don’t just store information about what has happened or is happening; they also store information on everything that is going to happen. They’re the ultimate energetic mega database. 

In the religion of Theosophy and the spiritual movement called Anthroposophy, “the Akasha” transmits the waves of human willpower, thoughts, feelings and imagination. Some also believe that the records can be accessed by certain individuals, like spiritualists and mediums who are experienced in conducting séances. Others believe that they are a vital spiritual resource that can help people understand their soul’s journey through time and space. 

The only certain thing is that the Akashic Records are an all-power universal database that holds power and influence beyond comprehension. 

History of the Akashic Records

The concept of the Akashic Records is not a new phenomenon; the idea has been around for thousands of years. Ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts frequently mentioned an all-powerful record that detailed everything in existence and everything to have ever existed. The record even included all of the happenings of past lives for all manner of beings. 

The term “Akashic” actually comes from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," which in Hindu and Buddhist traditions refers to the fundamental etheric substance that pervades all space. The concept of a universal, etheric memory has roots in ancient Indian philosophy, which contributed to the Western understanding of the Akashic Records as a metaphysical repository.

In the present day, it’s believed that the Akashic Records are a real source of information that can be used for personal growth, knowledge expansion and interpersonal healing. The concept of the modern Akashic Records was not discovered by one person. Instead, the concept emerged from various spiritual teachings and traditions. 

In the late 19th century, a spiritual movement called Theosophy detailed the Akashic Records as a kind of cosmic library that contained the history of the universe and the key to the evolution of our collective consciousness. 

In terms of individual influence, many would argue that Madame Helena Blavatsky is one of the most important figures in the birth of The Akashic Record ideal. She was a Russian occultist and one of the founders of the Theosophical Society in the late 19th century. She is often credited with bringing the concept of the Akashic Records into modern Western thought. Blavatsky described the Akashic Records as a cosmic "ether" or "indestructible tablets of the astral light" that recorded all human events, thoughts, and emotions. Although she didn’t use the exact term "Akashic Records," her writings laid the groundwork for the concept in theosophical literature.

The notion of an Akashic Record was further disseminated by Alfred Percy Sinnet in his 1883 book Esoteric Buddhism. In his work, he cites Henry Steel Olcott, advising that Buddha taught two things eternally - Akasa and Nirvana. He said that everything has come out of Akasa in obedience to a law of motion inherent in it.

One of the other notable figures in the construction of the Akashic Records was Rudolf Steiner. He was an Austrian philosopher and esotericist who further developed the concept of the Akashic Records in the early 20th century. He described them as a spiritual chronicle that could be accessed by individuals with highly developed spiritual faculties. Steiner believed that certain individuals could read the Akashic Records through clairvoyance, gaining insight into the history of the cosmos, the earth, and human evolution.

Akashic records- booking opening in the cosmos.

Why Should You Access Your Akashic Records? 

There are many reasons to access your Akashic Records. They can help you to understand your soul’s journey, gaining insights into your past experiences, relationships and patterns of thoughts. They can also help you by: 

Healing Past Traumas & Karmic Patterns

Psychologically and metaphysically, trauma can be passed down through generations. By unlocking your Akashic Records you can help release ancestral karmic debt, freeing yourself in the process. Forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion towards yourself and others are essential steps towards spiritual growth and healing.

Gaining Direction in Life

For many of us, finding meaning and direction in life can be challenging. Luckily, the Akashic Records can provide clarity and direction, especially in times of struggle and turmoil. You may receive guidance on relationships, career choices, and your general life purpose. 

Personal Growth & Self-Discovery

Accessing your Akashic Records is said to help you discover new and interesting things about yourself. You may be able to gain insights into hidden talents, explore past lives and uncover aspects of yourself that you would never have known about.

Someone unlocking their Akashic Records

How To Access My Akashic Records? 

Accessing the Akashic Records is often described as a spiritual or metaphysical process that requires a certain level of preparation, intention, and practice. Since the Akashic Records are not a physical location, accessing them involves shifting your consciousness or entering a meditative state. The process is often described as tuning into a higher frequency or aligning yourself with the cosmic energy field.

Knowing how to access your own Akashic Records might sound challenging, which is why many seekers prefer to opt to work with an experienced Akashic Record reader. However, with much care, research and practice you can learn to access your own records without the need of external help. Here’s a general guide:


Accessing the compendium of all human events can be a strenuous activity. As such, preparation is key. Firstly, you may want to find a quiet space that’s free of distractions. You want to feel relaxed and comfortable, knowing there will not be any interruptions. 

Then, you must relax and ground yourself. You can do this via any method that works for you, whether that be through deep breathing, meditation or grounding exercises where you connect yourself mentally to the earth's energy.

You must set a clear intention. Before your journey, you must understand why you are accessing your records. You may want to tell yourself, ‘I intend to access my Akashic Records to gain insight and understanding about myself.’ This will ensure that you find the answers you’re looking for. 

Entering The Meditative State

Once you have conducted all of the necessary preparations, you are ready to enter the meditative state. Focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Focus on the rhythm of your breathing to help quiet your mind. 

Some people find that visualising a gateway or portal helps in their journey. Imagine a door, gate or light that represents the entrance to the elusive Akashic Records. Visualise yourself edging towards it and, eventually, entering it. 

As you begin to access the Akashic Records, it helps to reiterate your intentions. Repeat to yourself, ‘I am looking for a deeper understanding of myself’. This way, the goal you seek will not become lost as the journey begins to take its toll on your psyche. 

Find Your Answers & Request Information

Once you feel ready, you may begin to ask questions. They may be about specific aspects of your life, past, present, or future. These could be about your life’s purpose, unresolved issues, or past life experiences.

Be open to how the information comes to you. It might not be in words; it could be images, feelings, or a sense of knowing. How you experience your answer may not be quantifiable. 

Be Patient & Trust the Process

No matter what your experience is, you must remember to practise restraint and patience, and trust the overall process. Information may come slowly, but it will come. 

Stay patient and trust whatever comes up. It’s important not to force anything. Allow the experience to unfold naturally.

Be sure to write down any insights or messages that you think you have received. Even if the experience or thoughts do not make sense initially, they might become clearer at a later date. 

Close The Session Appropriately 

When you feel that you’ve received the information you need, thank the records and the guides or energies that assisted you. Ending the session appropriately allows for closure and ensures you will digest the information in the best possible manner. 

It may help to visualise yourself leaving the Akashic Records and closing a door behind you. Ground yourself again by focusing on your breathing, visualising roots connecting you to the earth.

Allow Time For Reflection and Integration 

After the session, it is important to allow an appropriate amount of time to reflect on what you have learned. Accessing your Akashic Records is a transformative experience, and it has the potential to change your life. Integration is also key. The insights you gain should be applied to your life to help you grow spiritually and personally. Whenever you can, allow for some downtime to contemplate what you have learned. 

Everyone’s experience with the Akashic Records is unique. What works for one person might not work for another, so it’s important to find your own way. The key is to remain open, patient, and committed to your spiritual growth. 

Books illustrating the Akashic Records

Where Are The Akashic Records Kept? 

The exact location of the Akashic Records is unknown and largely open to interpretation. The records are not held in a physical location that can be visited; rather, they are understood to exist on a non-physical, energetic level. 

Theosophists believe that the records are encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. According to some, the Akashic Records are said to be imprinted in Akasha, a fluid ether that exists beyond the range of human senses, and that’s described as the astral light.

What To Expect From an Akashic Record Reading

An Akashic Record reading is a powerful spiritual tool that provides deep insights into your soul’s journey across time. During the session, a practitioner (often referred to as a reader) connects with the Akashic Records. This connection is typically established through meditation, prayer, or a special invocation that allows the reader to access this higher plane of consciousness.

As the reader opens the records, they may receive information in various forms. Some messages might be direct, while others could come through symbolic imagery or metaphors. These messages often shed light on past life experiences, karmic patterns, and the underlying reasons behind recurring life themes. You’re encouraged to actively participate by asking specific questions about areas where you seek clarity, such as your career, health, spiritual growth, or unresolved issues. The experience of an Akashic Record reading can be emotionally impactful, as the revealed insights often resonate deeply, offering a sense of validation, relief, or emotional release.

After the reading, the practitioner will close the Akashic Records with a prayer or ritual, ensuring that the connection is respectfully concluded. You’ll be encouraged to take time to process the insights and reflect on how they relate to your current life situation, much like if you were to access the records yourself. The rest largely depends on you and how you incorporate the lessons you have learned. 

What Is The Power of the Akashic Records?

The power of the Akashic Records is said to be unrivalled in terms of spiritual ability and knowledge. It is a powerful source of information, change and manifestation. 

The power of the Akashic Records lies in their ability to offer deep, soul-level insights that promote healing, clarity, and spiritual growth. They provide a unique perspective that transcends time, offering wisdom that can guide you in all areas of life. By accessing these records, individuals can gain a greater understanding of their life’s purpose.

Unlock The Akashic Records With Centre of Excellence 

Want to learn more about the incredible power of the Akashic Records? Why not enrol in our Akashic Records Diploma Course today? We can help you to access your own reading or simply empower you to learn more about the history and ideologies that are associated with the Akashic Records. 

You can enrol for the discounted price of £29 (instead of the original £127), or there’s also the option of Grow: our subscription service. With Grow Yearly, just £192 per year (i.e. £16 per month), you will unlock our full Akashic Record course plus 11 other courses from our library, along with 12 audio courses for good measure! Grow also includes a 10% reduction on printed materials and certificates, plus exclusive discounts and reward points that you can redeem for prizes. 

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