When you come across the unique and striking snowflake obsidian, it’s easy to be captivated by its beauty. This volcanic glass, adorned with white snowflake-like patterns, isn't just a pretty stone; it's a powerful tool in crystal healing. If you’re intrigued by the potential benefits and uses of snowflake obsidian, you’ve come to the right place. Let's explore what makes this stone special, how it can be used, and its impact on your well-being.

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What is Snowflake Obsidian?

What is Obsidian

Snowflake obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that forms when molten lava cools rapidly. It gets its name from the unique white or grey patterns that resemble snowflakes scattered across its surface. These patterns are actually cristobalite, a type of quartz that forms within the obsidian. The combination of the deep black base and the delicate white snowflakes makes this stone easily recognisable and highly sought after.

Snowflake Obsidian Properties

Snowflake obsidian is known for its grounding and protective properties. It's believed to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, helping you to stay centred and focused. This stone is also associated with purity, providing a sense of calm and peace. It's a powerful tool for self-reflection and can aid in recognising and releasing negative thought patterns.

Emotional Healing

One of the primary uses of snowflake obsidian is in emotional healing. It's thought to help you process and release emotional traumas and stress. By bringing buried emotions to the surface, it allows you to confront and heal from them, leading to a more balanced emotional state. This stone can be especially useful during challenging times, providing support as you navigate complex feelings. Its grounding properties help to stabilise emotions, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed.

Physical Healing

While primarily known for its emotional benefits, snowflake obsidian is also used in physical healing. It's believed to help with blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. Improved circulation can enhance overall vitality and energy levels. Some also use it for detoxification, helping to cleanse the body of impurities. By supporting the body's natural detox processes, snowflake obsidian can contribute to a sense of overall well-being. Additionally, it's thought to relieve pain and discomfort, making it a handy stone to keep close by.

Spiritual Growth

Snowflake obsidian is a powerful stone for spiritual growth. It helps you to connect with your inner self and the spiritual world, promoting introspection and self-awareness. This deeper connection can lead to significant personal growth and enlightenment. This stone is particularly useful during meditation, helping to clear the mind and focus on spiritual goals. By enhancing your meditation practice, snowflake obsidian can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation and insight. Its ability to reveal hidden truths about yourself can guide you on your spiritual journey, fostering a greater understanding of your purpose and path.

Crystal Healing with Snowflake Obsidian

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing with snowflake obsidian offers numerous benefits, making it a valuable tool for anyone seeking balance and protection. Whether you're looking to shield yourself from negative energies or ground your spirit, this versatile stone has much to offer.


Snowflake obsidian is often used for protection against negative energies. It acts as a shield, absorbing and neutralising negative vibrations. Many people carry it with them or place it in their homes to create a protective barrier. This protection can extend to emotional, physical, and spiritual realms, making it a comprehensive safeguard. By neutralising negative influences, snowflake obsidian can help you maintain a positive and healthy environment, both internally and externally.


Grounding is an essential aspect of crystal healing, and snowflake obsidian excels in this area. It helps you stay rooted in the present moment, providing stability and balance. This is particularly beneficial if you find yourself feeling scattered or overwhelmed. Grounding with snowflake obsidian can bring clarity and focus, allowing you to tackle tasks with a calm and steady mind. Its stabilising energy can also enhance your connection to the earth, promoting a sense of being centred and secure in your physical body.

Chakra Healing

Snowflake obsidian is associated with the root chakra, the energy centre located at the base of the spine. By balancing the root chakra, this stone helps to instil a sense of security and stability. It can also be used to align other chakras, promoting overall energetic harmony. When your chakras are balanced, your energy flows more freely, contributing to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Using snowflake obsidian in chakra healing practices can help you achieve a more balanced and harmonious state, enhancing your overall quality of life.

How to Use Snowflake Obsidian

Incorporating snowflake obsidian into your daily life can bring numerous benefits, from enhanced meditation to a harmonious home environment. Here are some practical ways to make the most of this versatile stone.


Using snowflake obsidian during meditation can enhance your practice. Hold the stone in your hand or place it on your body to help focus your mind and ground your energy. This can lead to deeper and more insightful meditation sessions. The stone’s grounding properties can help quiet a busy mind, allowing you to achieve a state of calm and clarity. Additionally, snowflake obsidian help you release negative thoughts, making your meditation experience more transformative.

Wearing Snowflake Obsidian

Wearing snowflake obsidian as jewellery is a convenient way to keep its energy close to you. Whether it's a necklace, bracelet, or ring, this stone can provide continuous support and protection throughout the day. By wearing it, you can benefit from its grounding and protective properties wherever you go. This constant contact helps to maintain a balanced and calm state of mind, shielding you from negative influences. Plus, its striking appearance makes for a beautiful and unique accessory.

Home Placement

Placing snowflake obsidian in your home can create a peaceful and balanced environment. Consider placing it near your front door to ward off negative energies or in your living space to promote a calming atmosphere. Positioning the stone in areas where you spend a lot of time can enhance the room's energy, making it more harmonious and inviting. Whether it's in your living room, bedroom, or workspace, snowflake obsidian can help cultivate a sense of tranquillity and protection throughout your home.

For Anxiety

If you struggle with anxiety, snowflake obsidian can be a helpful companion. Its calming energy can help to ease anxious thoughts and promote a sense of peace. Carry a small piece with you or place it under your pillow to benefit from its soothing properties.

For Sleep

Snowflake obsidian is also said to aid in sleep. Placing it under your pillow or on your bedside table can help to quiet the mind and promote restful sleep. Its grounding energy can ease nighttime restlessness and provide a sense of security.

Pairing Snowflake Obsidian with Other Stones

Snowflake obsidian pairs well with many other stones, enhancing its effects. For example, combining it with rose quartz can balance the grounding energy of obsidian with the loving energy of rose quartz. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.

Identifying Real Snowflake Obsidian

With snowflake obsidian's popularity, it's essential to ensure you're getting the real thing. Genuine snowflake obsidian is typically cold to the touch and has a glassy texture. The white snowflake patterns are naturally occurring and should not appear uniform or painted on. Purchasing from reputable sellers can also help ensure authenticity.

Cleansing and Charging Snowflake Obsidian

Charing Obsidian

Like all crystals, snowflake obsidian benefits from regular cleansing and charging. You can cleanse it by running it under cool water or smudging it with sage. To charge it, place it in the moonlight overnight or bury it in the earth for a few hours.

Frequently Asked Questions About Snowflake Obsidian

What Does Snowflake Obsidian Manifest?

This stone is often used to manifest balance, peace, and clarity. It helps to clear away negative energies and promote a harmonious environment. By integrating snowflake obsidian into your life, you can cultivate a serene and balanced atmosphere that supports personal growth and well-being.

Where Should Snowflake Obsidian Be Placed?

Place snowflake obsidian in areas where you need protection or grounding. Common places include near entryways, in living spaces, or on your bedside table. Positioning it strategically in your home can help maintain a positive and balanced environment, shielding you from negative influences.

Is Snowflake Obsidian Good to Sleep With?

Placing snowflake obsidian under your pillow or nearby can promote restful sleep and alleviate nighttime restlessness. Its calming and grounding energy helps to quiet the mind, allowing you to drift into a peaceful slumber. Using snowflake obsidian at night can enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being.

What Chakra is Snowflake Obsidian For?

Snowflake obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra, but it can also help to balance other chakras. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is responsible for feelings of security and stability. By balancing this chakra, snowflake obsidian helps to instil a sense of grounding and centredness.

Can You Wear Snowflake Obsidian Everyday?

Wearing snowflake obsidian daily can provide continuous grounding and protective benefits. Whether in the form of a necklace, bracelet, or ring, this stone can offer support and stability throughout your day. Consistent contact with snowflake obsidian helps to maintain a balanced and calm state of mind.

What is the Difference Between Snowflake Obsidian and Obsidian?

The primary difference is the presence of white snowflake patterns in snowflake obsidian, which are not found in regular black obsidian. These snowflake-like inclusions are actually cristobalite, a type of quartz, which gives snowflake obsidian its distinctive appearance. While both stones share similar properties, the visual and energetic qualities of snowflake obsidian make it unique.

Can Snowflake Obsidian Go with Rose Quartz?

Pairing snowflake obsidian with rose quartz can balance grounding and loving energies. Rose quartz brings a soothing and compassionate energy, complementing the protective and stabilising qualities of snowflake obsidian. Together, these stones can create a harmonious blend of love, peace, and security.

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If you’re eager to learn more about crystals, consider enrolling in the Crystal Healing Diploma Course with Centre of Excellence. This fascinating course offers valuable insights and practical knowledge on using crystals for healing and personal growth. Plus, you can access this course at a special discounted price of £29. 

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