Reiki is a practice that many people find comforting, soothing, and healing. If you’re curious about how to perform self-Reiki, you're likely searching for a way to bring more balance and peace into your life. Whether you're new to Reiki or already have some experience, this guide will help you understand and practice Reiki healing on yourself.

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What is Self-Reiki?

Self-Reiki is a practice in which you use Reiki techniques to channel healing energy to yourself. Reiki, which means "universal life energy," is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. By learning self-Reiki, you can become your own healer, using your hands to balance your energy and enhance your well-being.

Does Reiki Self-Healing Work?

Many people report significant benefits from practising self-reiki, including reduced stress, improved sleep, and enhanced emotional balance. While scientific studies on Reiki are limited, personal testimonials and anecdotal evidence suggest that it can be a valuable tool for self-care.

Reiki self healing

Can I Learn Reiki on My Own?

While you can start learning the basics of Reiki on your own, it's highly recommended to take an accredited course to understand the practice more deeply and gain the necessary attunements. Centre of Excellence offers a Reiki Healing Diploma Course for just £29 that can guide you through this process.

How to Start Reiki Self-Healing

Starting your self-Reiki practice can seem daunting, but it’s quite straightforward. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:

1. Create a Peaceful Environment

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This will help you focus and enhance the effectiveness of your self-Reiki session. To create a calming atmosphere, you might want to dim the lights, light a candle, or play soft music.

2. Set Your Intention

Before you begin, set a clear intention for your self-Reiki session. This could be something specific like relieving stress or a general desire for healing and balance. Having a clear intention helps focus your energy and enhances the effectiveness of the practice.

3. Ground Yourself

Grounding is an essential step in self-reiki. Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Take a few deep breaths and visualise roots growing from the soles of your feet into the earth, anchoring you firmly. This helps you feel stable and connected.

4. Begin Reiki

Once you are grounded, you can begin your Reiki session. Place your hands on or just above your body in various positions, starting from the top of your head and moving downwards. These hand positions help channel healing energy to different parts of your body. We will explore these hand positions in more detail in the next section. Hold each position for 3-5 minutes, allowing the energy to flow and focusing on your breath.

5. Close the Session

When you feel ready to end your self-Reiki session, take a few deep breaths and slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Gently move your hands away from your body and thank yourself for the healing you have provided. Take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on how you feel. This step helps you transition smoothly from your Reiki practice back to your daily activities, ensuring you carry the calm and healing energy with you.

Reiki self healing

Reiki Hand Positions for Self-Healing

There are several hand positions used in self-reiki. Each position corresponds to different energy centres in the body, also known as chakras. These chakras are believed to influence various aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Here are some common self-Reiki hand positions and the benefits associated with each:

1. Crown Chakra (Top of Head)

Position: Place both hands gently on the top of your head.

Benefits: This position helps clear your mind and connect you to higher consciousness. It is associated with spiritual awareness and enlightenment. By placing your hands here, you can promote mental clarity and foster a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and the universe.

2. Third Eye Chakra (Forehead)

Position: Position your hands over your forehead, with fingertips touching the space between your eyebrows.

Benefits: This position helps enhance intuition and mental clarity. The third eye chakra is linked to insight and intuition. Focusing Reiki energy here can improve your ability to see beyond the physical and understand deeper truths, aiding in decision-making and self-awareness.

3. Throat Chakra

Position: Place your hands on your throat.

Benefits: This position aids in communication and self-expression. The throat chakra governs your ability to express your thoughts and feelings clearly. By applying Reiki here, you can help unblock any issues related to speaking your truth and improve your ability to communicate effectively.

4. Heart Chakra

Position: Rest your hands on your chest, over your heart.

Benefits: This promotes emotional healing and self-love. The heart chakra is central to love, compassion, and connection. Healing this chakra with Reiki can help you forgive, feel love more deeply, and foster a sense of empathy towards others and yourself.

5. Solar Plexus Chakra

Position: Place your hands on your upper abdomen.

Benefits: This helps boost confidence and personal power. The solar plexus chakra is associated with self-esteem and personal power. Using Reiki in this area can enhance your confidence, help you feel more in control of your life, and increase your sense of purpose and motivation.

6. Sacral Chakra

Position: Position your hands on your lower abdomen.

Benefits: This supports creativity and emotional balance. The sacral chakra is connected to creativity, pleasure, and emotional well-being. Reiki energy directed here can help you tap into your creative potential, enjoy life's pleasures more fully, and maintain emotional balance.

7. Root Chakra

Position: Place your hands over your pelvic area.

Benefits: This helps with grounding and stability. The root chakra is your foundation, associated with feelings of safety and security. Reiki in this position can help you feel more grounded, secure, and stable, providing a strong base for your overall health and wellbeing.

By regularly practising these self-Reiki hand positions, you can help balance your chakras and promote overall wellness. Remember to hold each position for 3-5 minutes or as long as it feels comfortable. As you become more familiar with these positions, you'll develop a deeper understanding of how Reiki energy affects your body and mind.

How Often Should I Do Reiki on Myself?

The frequency of self-reiki sessions can vary based on individual needs. Some people practice daily, while others do it a few times a week. Listen to your body and intuition to find a routine that works best for you.

Tips for Enhancing Your Self-Reiki Practice

1. Incorporate Meditation

Reiki self-healing meditation can deepen your practice. Spend a few minutes in meditation before and after your self-Reiki session to enhance your focus and relaxation.

reiki meditation

2. Use a Reiki Bath

A Reiki bath is a wonderful way to combine the soothing effects of water with Reiki energy. As you soak in the bath, place your hands on different parts of your body and channel Reiki energy.

3. Keep a Journal

Track your self-Reiki sessions in a journal. Note how you feel before and after each session, any insights you gain, and any changes you notice over time. This can help you understand your healing journey better.

4. Stay Consistent

Like any practice, consistency is key. Make self-reiki a regular part of your routine to experience its full benefits.

Study Reiki Healing for £29

If you’re interested in learning more about Reiki and becoming proficient in its techniques, consider enrolling in the Reiki 1 and 2 Healing Diploma Course with Centre of Excellence. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to practise Reiki confidently and effectively. For a limited time, this course is available for just £29!

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