At Centre of Excellence, we believe education can help change lives, no matter your age, experience, or circumstances. This story is about Nadyne, a remarkable student who overcame a stroke and found a new passion with Centre of Excellence.

A Life-Altering Challenge

Nadyne's life took an unexpected turn in June 2020 when she suffered a stroke, losing control of the left side of her body and being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). This marked the beginning of a challenging journey, fraught with memory issues, speech difficulties, and mobility restrictions. Yet, throughout these challenges, Nadyne found motivation through Centre of Excellence's online learning platform.

Discovering a New Path

Before her diagnosis, Nadyne, like many others, had never heard of FND within her community. She also battled multiple chronic conditions, including adenomyosis, endometriosis, and degenerative disc disease, which made everyday life an uphill struggle. 

Conventional medications provided little relief and caused severe side effects, prompting Nadyne to seek alternative solutions. Her quest led her to the Centre of Excellence, where she enrolled in the Master Herbalist Diploma Course.

“These medications made me violently ill due to long-term use and I decided to come off everything,” Nadyne recalls. “In doing so, I was intrigued by what I could do naturally using herbs and came across the master herbalist diploma.”

Photograph of CoE student, Nadyne

A Journey of Learning and Triumph

The impact of starting this course was immense. Nadyne, who is also dyslexic, found the course materials surprisingly digestible, even with her learning challenges. 

"Once I started the course, I got the learning bug and couldn't stop," she says. “Being dyslexic, reading isn't the easiest and having to completely motivate yourself while in pain is even harder.”

Despite her pain and the difficulty of self-motivation, Nadyne was captivated by how natural remedies could reduce symptoms. Her educational journey didn't stop there; she advanced to more courses, including aromatherapy, achieving distinctions in her studies, which was a delightful surprise.

Building Towards a Dream

Nadyne's academic achievements are stepping stones towards a larger goal. She aims to open her own wellness centre to support others with FND—a condition poorly treated within the NHS and on the rise across the UK. 

"Prevention is better than cure," Nadyne asserts, advocating for natural and holistic approaches to health management.

Why Choose Centre of Excellence?

Centre of Excellence provided Nadyne with the tools and knowledge to transform her life, all from a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Here’s why Nadyne and countless others choose to study with us:

  • Affordability: The courses are economically priced, making learning accessible to more people.
  • Flexible Timing: Students can study at their own pace, fitting education into their busy lives without the pressure of deadlines.
  • Diverse Range of Subjects: From historical studies to supernatural explorations, there’s something for everyone.
  • Support and Guidance: Each student is paired with a personal supplier, and the community support from fellow learners in the Facebook Study Group enriches the learning experience.

Study Sacred Womb Healing for £29

If you’re interested in studying the Master Herbalist Diploma Course, we’re currently offering it for a limited-time price of just £29. When you enrol, you'll be welcomed into a vibrant community of learners committed to making a positive difference in their lives and the wider world.

We encourage you to explore our full range of courses and discover how you can begin your own journey of personal and professional growth with Centre of Excellence. Whether you're seeking to heal, learn, or grow, our courses are structured to guide you every step of the way.

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