At Centre of Excellence, we believe education can help change lives, no matter your age, experience, or circumstances. This story is about Louanne, a remarkable student who overcame addiction to realise her passion with the help of Centre of Excellence.

Overcoming Challenges

Louanne's life before discovering Centre of Excellence was fraught with challenges. Struggling with addiction, she found herself trapped in a cycle of negative daily habits. Every evening, coming home meant reaching for a beer, a temporary escape that brought no real relief or satisfaction. But Louanne wanted more from life—more for herself and more importantly, for her daughter.

Photograph of CoE student, Louanne

A New Beginning

In a bold move to turn her life around, Louanne made a conscious decision to seek healthier and more fulfilling alternatives. Her search for holistic approaches to wellbeing led her to Centre of Excellence. 

Louanne recalls, "Despite facing the challenges of addiction, I made a conscious decision to change my life. Instead of succumbing to my daily habit of coming home from work and reaching for a beer, I chose to pursue a healthier and more fulfilling path."

Our online learning platform introduced Louanne to a range of courses that soon became her new passion. Enrolled in Mediumship, Iridology, Hypnotherapy, and Reiki 1 & 2, she completely dedicated herself to her studies, replacing her old addiction with a healthy thirst for knowledge.

Transformative Education

The transformation was powerful. 

"This transformation not only made me a happier and healthier person, but also allowed me to become the mother I aspired to be for my daughter. I now make time for her, engage in grounding activities, and prioritise both physical and mental well-being."

As she nears the completion of her Reiki 1 & 2 course, Louanne remains as enthusiastic as ever.

"I am more than excited to continue to study Reiki Master," she beams, proud of her achievements which also include diplomas in mediumship, hypnotherapy, and super learning. At a stage in life where many might think of slowing down, Louanne is flourishing, eager for the next chapter in her life's story.

Looking Forward

Louanne’s pursuit of knowledge didn’t just transform her; it set a foundation for a future she once thought was out of reach. 

"My newfound addiction to learning has become a source of joy, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter of my journey, including the prospect of opening my own business."

Reflecting on her experience, Louanne doesn’t hesitate to express her gratitude: "Thank you, Centre Of Excellence—You Rock!" 

Why Choose Centre of Excellence?

This is just one of many stories of how Centre of Excellence has helped people from all walks of life transform themselves through education. If Louanne’s journey resonates with you, imagine what our range of courses can do for you.

Benefits of Studying with Us

  • Affordability: Enjoy learning without the financial strain, as our courses are priced to be accessible.
  • Flexible Timing: Learn at your pace, on your schedule.
  • Diverse Range of Subjects: From the practical to the mystical, explore subjects that span your every interest.
  • Support and Guidance: Benefit from personal tutor attention and a thriving online community to engage with fellow learners.

Whether you're looking to transform your life or simply gain new knowledge, Centre of Excellence offers a path for everyone. Discover our Holistic Therapy Courses or browse all courses. Join us today and be the next success story!

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