Indigo Children, or Indigo Kids, are an upgraded version of the blueprint of humanity. They are creative and rebellious souls who are here to lead us into the new age of enlightenment and evolution. Indigo Children are agents of peace and justice, and they have no tolerance for evil. They are often born with memories of their divine gifts, qualities, and mission, and they come from the spiritual dimension of Earth that hasn’t yet finished ascending. 

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The term Indigo Children is slightly different and unique in the New Age belief; not only does it not bear the Starseeds naming convention, but the term also has an illustrious background. The term was coined back in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist, synesthete, and psychic who developed the new-age concept to describe the aura colours of these very different kids. They faced numerous challenges not often faced by other Starseeds. This led to a shift in purpose and a slight crisis of confidence, which led to the development of different conditions. 

Indigo Children are extremely important in New Age beliefs. They are more than unconventional and exciting souls; they helped to mould and form our world as it is today. 

What Are Indigo Children?

Indigo Children, sometimes called Crystal or Star Children, are individuals who have come into the world destined to create change and spiritually awaken humanity. They are freethinkers with an insight into the human condition and a keen understanding of how we operate. Indigo children can sometimes find it difficult to integrate into mainstream society, which leads to them being misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed. An Indigo child is said to possess strong intuition and varying spiritual gifts, such as psychic, clairvoyant and otherworldly abilities. 

Indigo Children Origins

While other Starseeds, mainly Arcturian, Pleiadian, and Lyran, did not have a distinct origin, Indigo Children is slightly different. They were accredited to a creator, the previously mentioned Californian psychic Nancy Ann Tappe, who observed children with Indigo aura in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Her work was further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, both world-renowned international authors and educators. In their 1999 book- ‘The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived,” they sought to explore the spiritual dimensions of these children, offering guidance for parents more specifically. The authors described Indigo Children as having unique psychological traits that require specialised support from parents and educators to maintain balance and prevent frustration. It is widely believed that Indigo Children signify a step forward in human evolution, possessing distinct abilities to help create a better world.

Before the Indigo Children, Auric fields were traditionally shades of the rainbow, but the Indigos' field, dominated by royal blue, signifies a shift in human evolution. Their indigo aura marks a new era in spiritual and energetic development.

The idea of an Indigo kid, a gifted child on a clear mission to shift and challenge aspects of reality, has been popular since Tappe's early 1970s teachings, but over the decades, the part their souls play has become all the more valuable. These souls exhibit acute psychic acumen, are highly driven and creative, and have perceptions that see through the norms of human society. 

Man looking up at the sky for the arrival of Indigo Children

The Waves of Indigo Children

Indigo Children are often imagined as just that—children. However, many of them are quite old souls. It is advised that the Indigo Children started to arrive in the 1940s, and they arrived in three waves. The exact dates of the three waves' arrival can fluctuate slightly, but the three waves do all seem to have some distinct features. 

Generally speaking, the first wave of indigo Children covered Indigos who arrived from the 1940s to 1970s. Their vibrational frequency is around 4 to 4.6 Hz, and their sixth chakra is well-developed. The first wave was categorised as pioneers, breaking down old systems and challenging the traditional norms. They often had a strong sense of rebellion and a desire to bring about change, think the rebellious nature of the 1960s psychedelic subculture. 

The second wave arrived between the 1980s and 1990s, these individuals were more harmonisers and mediators. Their vibratory frequency is around 4.7 to 5.3 Hz, and their sixth chakra is highly developed. They possess a strong sense of empathy and intuition, aiming to create peace and understanding among living beings on earth. They often engage in healing professions and are driven by a desire to help others and the planet.

The third wave arrived from the beginning of the millennium to the present. Their vibratory frequency is around 5.4 to 5.9 Hz, and their sixth chakra is very highly developed. These Indigo Children are much more tailored for a modern world. They are highly spiritual, open-minded, and technology savvy. They are also more comfortable with societal changes and tend to exhibit a strong sense of purpose and innovation. 

Woman with a starseed soul

Indigo Children Traits & Signs

As with any type of Starseed, Indigo Children may not exhibit all traits. However, when looking closely at these influential souls, it becomes apparent that there are some universally acknowledged Indigo Children traits: 

Well-Developed Intuition

We all may feel like we have well-developed intuition from time to time, but Indigo’s intuition is otherworldly. Indigo Children can sense if something is awry or not right from the off, and they are experts at making the right decision in heated moments. Their perception broadens due to this, and they’re also able to see aura fields. 

Incredible Creativity 

Indigo Children can express creativity in truly remarkable ways. Their artistic abilities are exemplary, and they will think nothing of producing a masterful painting or drawing or expressing themselves through a different medium, such as film or music. Indigo Children are one-of-a-kind geniuses, and they express their creativity and artistic expression in fantastical ways.

Rebellious in Nature 

As previously alluded to, Indigo Children have a rebellious side. Think of the counterculture movement of the 1960s, the punk anti-establishment movement of the 1970s, or the feminist movements of past decades and the present day. No matter the revolutionary movement, there is a high likelihood that there were Indigo souls present. 

Indigo's rebellious nature goes far beyond joining movements, they actually have a genuine dislike for authority figures and controlling establishments. They believe people should be free to live their lives how they see fit, and no one should be able to stop them.

Natural Leadership and Infectious Charisma 

Similar to some of the other Starseeds, Indigo Children exhibit excellent leadership and infectious charisma. They are excellent communicators and are extremely adept at getting people to follow them. 


It may come as no surprise that Indigo Children are headstrong characters. Because they are so strong-willed, they can often frustrate parents, teachers, bosses, partners, and other family members. However, they can still be communicated and negotiated with as long as other people understand their reasoning and mentality. Because of their highly philosophical nature, they will still listen to reason and can work with you to come to a satisfying conclusion on hard-to-master topics. 

Psychic Abilities

Indigo Children are often said to demonstrate unique psychic abilities. Because of their incredible abilities, they often act as mediums for the departed and serve as psychic advisors predicting the future, especially near-impossible occurrences. Pinpointing their exact abilities can be challenging, but some of their abilities are said to include telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, channelling, and many more. 

Empathic and Compassionate

As old souls with well-established connections to the collective consciousness, Indigos demonstrate deep empathy and compassion in all aspects of their lives. They genuinely care and feel pain for other people. If they witness violence or harm being inflicted on anyone else, they feel the pain as if it were their own. 

Deep Connection to Nature

As deeply compassionate and empathic individuals, Indigo Children gravitate towards the natural world. They feel most at home when they are near an ocean or surrounded by trees and animals. They fully believe that nature and humans coexist in perfect harmony. 

Old Souls

One of the most common terms used to describe Indigo Children is old souls. While this may seem rather contradictory, considering their moniker of ‘children’, this description is actually quite accurate. They are different, and they are aware of this. They may feel as though they have lived many lifetimes and they have wisdom far beyond their years. They use this seasoned knowledge in every aspect of their lives, whenever and wherever they can. 


Indigo Children fully understand their mission, and because of this, they are extremely determined. They want to change the world, and they will effectively stop at nothing until they have done so.

Supreme Intellect 

Indigo Children have a supreme intellect and above-average IQ. This trait is invaluable in their mission to change and better the world. Their knowledge is broad and is not encapsulated by one domain, which means they are highly adaptable and ready to tackle any challenge they may face. 


Indigo Children are sometimes said to be hypersensitive. This makes them more susceptible to developing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. To others, they may come across as incredibly emotional and reactionary, but this should be understood as their empathy and compassion creeping through. 

Painting of a Starseed woman

Indigo Children Appearances 

Descriptions of Indigo Children are usually more closely related to traits and attributes than their physical appearance. This means that deciphering what Indigo Children look like can be difficult. Unsurprisingly, their appearance is said to be youthful, which explains the child moniker. They incorporate their uniqueness into their own personal style, wearing standout pieces of clothing and projecting an unconventional aura. Indigo Children are also said to have deep and penetrating expressive eyes that convey wisdom far beyond their years. 

Parenting Indigo Children

Parenting Indigo Children requires a unique approach, and it is often said to be challenging and difficult. Parents must ensure that their children flourish and are taught some of life’s most valuable lessons. This means parents must encourage their child’s individuality and creativity as well as nurture their rebellious side. Some of the common strategies used include: 

Encourage Independence 

Indigo Children often have strong autonomy and purpose. When parenting them, they should be allowed to make their own choices and establish their own independence. This will also help them improve their self-confidence later on. 

A Flexible Approach

Parenting an Indigo Child can be challenging. You never know when they might showcase their rebellious side. This means parents must be willing to be flexible in their approach and find a way to encourage their questioning nature but keep them away from problematic behaviour. 

Respect Their Individuality

Recognise and honour their unique qualities and perspectives. Avoid trying to fit them into conventional moulds and instead celebrate their individuality.

Nurture Empathy and Compassion

Indigo Children often have heightened sensitivity and empathy. Teach them how to manage their emotions, empathise with others, and maintain healthy boundaries.

Support Their Creativity

If you are parenting an Indigo Child, you must be willing to support their creative side. Encourage them to take art classes and motivate them to express themselves through work in their spare time. 

Encourage Social Connections

Parents must help them find like-minded peers and communities where they feel understood and supported. Social connections with others who share their values and interests can be very beneficial to their development.

Blue sky

Indigo Child Birth Chart

An Indigo Child birth chart is an astrological chart that aims to identify markers, traits, and strengths that might provide a greater indication of whether the child is an Indigo. Some of the possible indicators of an Indigo Child birth chart include: 

Strong Uranus Influence

Uranus is associated with innovation, tuition, rebellion and unconventionality. As such, it would seem that a strong Uranus influence would indicate a connection to being an Indigo Child. 

Pluto Aspects 

Pluto represents transformation, power, and deep psychological insight. Strong Pluto aspects might indicate a powerful ability to affect change and a deep understanding of underlying truths, which are traits often associated with Indigo Children.

Aquarius Placements

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is known for its progressive, humanitarian, and non-conformist traits. Significant placements in Aquarius could suggest an individual with the characteristics often attributed to Indigo Children.

Personal Planets in Mutable Signs

Personal planets such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in mutable signs like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces could indicate adaptability, a characteristic often attributed to Indigo Children.

Learn More About Starseeds From The Centre of Excellence

Understanding Starseeds can help us better understand our position in the universe. The topic of Starseeds is so diverse and expansive, so why not learn more about them with our dedicated Starseed Diploma Course? Uncover the vast history of the Indigo Children. There is so much more to learn. For just £29 (save £98!), you can explore the role, identity, and mission of Starseeds on Earth and also uncover the cosmological and metaphysical concepts that surround this reality.

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