Elaine told Centre of Excellence, “Your course inspired me to write my book and record my song because it proved that when you use your creative skills, you can turn a bad situation into a positive. It taught me that being creative can get you out of a dark place.”
While Owen is a talented go-karting driver, Holly followed in her mum’s footsteps and began making loom band worry dolls. Her mum thinks these lovely, thoughtful creations are amazing!
Elaine said, “My daughter’s creations showed me that my late husband’s creative skills shined through his little princess.”

While Elaine credits music with healing her soul, she also has her spirituality to thank.
This helped her find coping mechanisms through grief counselling. She explained, “My spirituality made me see the light at the end of the course and made me feel so special and gifted that I can now help all the beautiful souls out there who are suffering in silence at present.”

“Now, my late husband’s friend has nominated me for an MBE Award for all the work I have done in my local community,” Elaine, who was a runner up in the Inspiration category of the 2021 Centre of Excellence Awards, said.
Elaine is now caring full-time for her mother who is unable to eat or walk due to her Barrett's disease.
Despite the challenges, Elaine firmly believes in miracles and wants to see her mother return to strength. In fact, she plans to write another book and record another song. “Maybe it will be called I Believe In Miracles for the final chapters of my life,” Elaine muses.

Elaine shared some final words of advice for anyone going through a bereavement, saying, “Keep shining! Always believe in yourself. We are all put on Mother Earth to use our creative skills to their full potential and we are all here for a purpose.”
Coming full circle, Elaine concluded with some thoughts on her husband, Neil. “He always turned a negative situation into a positive. I was truly blessed to have Neil on my path and every time I look into my son’s and daughter’s eyes, I see Neil. He will live on in our hearts forever.”
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