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Unlock Your Learning Potential: 8 Essential Strategies for Online Study Success

Starting a new learning journey is an exciting experience that can really improve your life and create new opportunities. But, it's not always easy, especially when it's hard to stay away from distractions and keep your motivation up. If you're finding it tough to stop putting things off or to ...

The 5 Most Terrifying Monster Cryptids in Cryptozoology

The 5 Most Terrifying Monster Cryptids in Cryptozoology

From Bigfoot to Mothman – cryptids are the creatures that crept into your childhood nightmares. For most, cryptids remain the stuff of myth and ... Read More

Libra Birthstones

Libra Birthstones

Libra is the seventh zodiac sign in the astrological calendar. It is represented by the symbol of the scales and its ruling planet is Venus. ... Read More

eLearning Helped Me Understand What Was Happening To My Loved One with Early Onset Dementia

eLearning Helped Me Understand What Was Happening To My Loved One with Early Onset Dementia

Jacqui Schroeder, a teaching assistant from Nottinghamshire, met her husband, Steve, when he was 38. Speaking to Centre of Excellence, Jacqui sai ... Read More

Virgo Birthstones

Virgo Birthstones

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign in the astrological calendar. Its ruling planet is Mercury and it’s named after the largest of all the zodiac cons ... Read More

I Learned to Love My Surgery Scars and Stretch Marks by Studying an Online Body Love Course

I Learned to Love My Surgery Scars and Stretch Marks by Studying an Online Body Love Course

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with images and slogans that perpetuate a very narrow idea of what is ‘beautiful’. Summer is just ... Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Wild Mushrooming: Safe-To-Eat Mushrooms You Can Forage

The Ultimate Guide to Wild Mushrooming: Safe-To-Eat Mushrooms You Can Forage

When you go down to the woods today, you’re sure to be met with a delight for the senses. The smell of budding flowers, the touch of the pines b ... Read More

Forest Bathing Helped Alleviate My Menopause & Now I Share That Healing With Others

Forest Bathing Helped Alleviate My Menopause & Now I Share That Healing With Others

If there’s one thing the pandemic lockdowns taught us, it’s that time outside in nature is precious and vital to wellbeing. This lesson is a lif ... Read More

Maternal Mental Health Month: CoE Mums Share Their Advice For Motherhood

Maternal Mental Health Month: CoE Mums Share Their Advice For Motherhood

May is Maternal Mental Health Month. This time of year is so important in raising awareness of not only the joys but also the challenges faced b ... Read More

Leo Birthstones

Leo Birthstones

Leo is the fifth zodiac sign of the astrological calendar and its ruling celestial body is the Sun. Dates: July 23rd - August 22ndSymbol: ... Read More

The Untold Benefits of Learning British Sign Language

The Untold Benefits of Learning British Sign Language

Contrary to popular belief, speech is not a language. Speech is actually a medium by which many of us communicate. But speech isn’t always possi ... Read More

Cancer Birthstones

Cancer Birthstones

Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign of the astrological calendar. Its ruling celestial body is the Moon and its symbol comes from the Lunar constell ... Read More

Ichthyology: The Study of Fish

Ichthyology: The Study of Fish

What is Ichthyology? A branch of zoology, ichthyology is the study of fishes. Ichthyologists are specialist marine biologists who study ... Read More