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Unlock Your Learning Potential: 8 Essential Strategies for Online Study Success

Starting a new learning journey is an exciting experience that can really improve your life and create new opportunities. But, it's not always easy, especially when it's hard to stay away from distractions and keep your motivation up. If you're finding it tough to stop putting things off or to ...

Cosplayer, Author and Ancient Egypt Expert: The Life and Learning of Victoria Avalor

Cosplayer, Author and Ancient Egypt Expert: The Life and Learning of Victoria Avalor

Victoria Avalor is a preschool teacher in her thirties who lives in Central Pennsylvania. On paper, it may not seem as though Victoria and Cleop ... Read More

How Sacred Geometry Informs This Artist's Incredibly Beautiful Sculptures

How Sacred Geometry Informs This Artist's Incredibly Beautiful Sculptures

Nikki Ella Whitlock was intuitively and subconsciously harnessing sacred geometry in her artwork before she was even aware that this ancient sch ... Read More

Learning Helped Me Fight My Own 24/7 Battle With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Learning Helped Me Fight My Own 24/7 Battle With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Please note, this article is not intended as medical advice. Should you be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder or symptoms similar to t ... Read More

How Studying CBT for Depression and Anxiety Helped Me Overcome a Nervous Breakdown

How Studying CBT for Depression and Anxiety Helped Me Overcome a Nervous Breakdown

Please note, this article is not intended as medical advice. Should you be considering CBT for depression or any number of ailments, please seek ... Read More

Student Testimonial – Alex Warner

Student Testimonial – Alex Warner

Centre of Excellence student, Alex Warner, shares her thoughts on using our services. Studying the Advanced Nutrition for Weight Loss and Eating ... Read More