At Centre of Excellence, we believe education can help change lives, no matter your age, experience, or circumstances. This story is about Avi, a remarkable student who overcame illness and found a new passion with Centre of Excellence.

Avi’s Story

Photograph of CoE student, Avi

Last year, Avi faced a life-threatening battle with severe anorexia nervosa. Hospitalised and fighting for life, Avi's weight had dramatically dropped as a consequence of the lockdown—a challenging period that halted a promising songwriting career. 

Despite these hardships, Avi's resilience and spirit shone through, and they discovered a newfound passion thanks to Centre of Excellence.

A Turning Point in Care

During two months in hospital care, surrounded by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, Avi began a challenging journey towards recovery. 

"My life seemed to be at its end, yet there I was, surrounded by an incredible team who got me talking, thinking, and realising how fragile and precious life is," Avi reflects. 

Despite the bleakness of those days, Avi knew there was hope for a better future. Even at the weakest point, Avi maintained a routine of daily cycling and weightlifting. 

"I steadfastly refused to give up my daily cycling and weightlifting— even at my weakest, I did it to prove I could." 

Through self-education on the ketogenic diet and learning when to rest, Avi began the slow process of gaining back weight and strength.

Education to Encourage Recovery

As recovery took shape, Avi’s aspirations grew stronger. The desire for further education led Avi to Centre of Excellence, where a newfound interest in holistic health flourished. 

Avi began studying diplomas in Naturopathy, Ketogenic Dieting, Diet and Nutritional Advisor, and Mindful Nutrition, achieving Distinction in all. 

"Jumping for joy with each passing grade, I found a renewed sense of confidence," says Avi.

Today, Avi is tackling the Advanced Master Herbalist Diploma, finding joy and purpose in each new lesson. 

"As I become physically and mentally stronger, I'm arming myself with knowledge for the next chapter of my life—a chapter I once feared I wouldn't live to see."

Studying with Centre of Excellence has been a symbol of hope for Avi, opening a path to potentially starting a business as a herbalist or nutritional advisor. 

"CoE has truly changed my life and will continue to do so. Thank you so very much for helping me, and so many others," Avi expresses with heartfelt gratitude.

Why Study with Centre of Excellence?

If Avi's story inspires you, consider how our courses could transform your own life. At Centre of Excellence, we provide a variety of courses tailored to meet the needs of all learners, regardless of their background or experience. Here’s why you should choose our platform:

  • Affordability: Our courses are cost-effective, making learning accessible to everyone.
  • Flexible Timing: Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever suits you best.
  • Diverse Range of Subjects: From arts and business to health and crafts, explore your passions through our extensive course offerings.
  • Comprehensive Support and Guidance: Benefit from personalized tutor support and join our vibrant Facebook Study Group to connect with peers.

Take the Next Step in Your Learning Journey

Interested in exploring holistic health further? Join our empowering community by enrolling in the Master Herbalist Diploma Course for just £29, available for a limited time. This course is just a gateway to the array of courses we offer, each designed to help you discover your potential and achieve your personal and professional goals.

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