Crystals have long fascinated humans with their captivating beauty and mysterious origins. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a curious novice, the allure of rare crystals is undeniable. These gems enchant with their unique appearances and carry fascinating histories and properties. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the world’s rarest crystals, delving into their properties and the reasons behind their rarity.

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Why Are Crystals So Rare?

Crystals are rare due to a combination of geological factors and the specific conditions required for their formation. Elements must come together under precise temperature and pressure conditions over millions of years. Some crystals form only in unique locations, further limiting their availability. This rarity makes them highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.

1. Painite

Painite, often referred to as the rarest crystal in the world, was first discovered in Myanmar in the 1950s. For many years, only two specimens were known to exist. It wasn’t until the early 2000s that more Painite was found, but it remains exceptionally rare.

Painite is known for its reddish-brown to deep brown hues and a vitreous lustre. Due to its extreme rarity, Painite is primarily a collector’s item. Metaphysically, Painite is believed to aid in understanding and solving complex problems. It is associated with grounding and protection, helping to clear confusion and promote insight. Many also use Painite for its supposed ability to enhance inner vision and psychic abilities, making it a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual work.

2. Alexandrite


Alexandrite is famed for its unique colour-changing ability. Discovered in Russia’s Ural Mountains in the 1830s, it can appear green in daylight and red under incandescent light, an optical phenomenon known as the ‘alexandrite effect’.

Alexandrite is believed to bring balance and enhance intuition. It is considered a stone of good fortune and love, often used to bring joy and happiness. Alexandrite is said to open the heart chakra, fostering love and compassion. Its ability to change colour is thought to help with emotional balance and adaptability, assisting the wearer in navigating life’s challenges with grace and confidence.

3. Red Beryl (Bixbite)

Red Beryl

Red Beryl, also known as Bixbite, is found primarily in the Wah Wah Mountains of Utah, USA. It is a rare member of the beryl family, and its stunning red colour makes it highly desirable.

Red Beryl is believed to enhance creativity and strengthen relationships. It’s associated with the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and emotional healing. This rare gemstone is said to help in overcoming fear and anxiety, providing the wearer with courage and strength. Its vibrant energy is thought to stimulate passion and motivation, making it a powerful stone for personal growth and transformation.

4. Taaffeite

Taaffeite is one of the rarest and most unusual crystals, discovered by chance in 1945 by gemologist Richard Taaffe. It can range from mauve to violet and occasionally red.

Taaffeite enhances spiritual awareness and intuition. It’s associated with calmness and clarity, helping to clear the mind and promote a sense of peace. Taaffeite is often used in meditation to connect with higher realms and enhance psychic abilities. Its soothing energy is thought to help with emotional healing, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

5. Grandidierite


Grandidierite was first discovered in Madagascar in 1902. It is an extremely rare and highly prized gemstone known for its striking blue-green colour.

Grandidierite enhances communication and provides clarity of thought. It is associated with the throat chakra, promoting self-expression and honesty. Grandidierite is said to help in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals, providing the wearer with strength and determination. Its calming energy is thought to reduce anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

6. Musgravite

Discovered in 1967 in the Musgrave Ranges of Australia, Musgravite is one of the world’s rarest gemstones. Its colour ranges from greyish purple to greenish grey.

Metaphysically, Musgravite fosters patience and emotional balance. It is believed to help overcome negative emotions and promote a sense of calm and stability. Musgravite is associated with grounding and protection, helping to clear negative energy and promote a positive mindset. Its soothing energy is thought to enhance meditation and spiritual growth, making it a powerful tool for personal transformation.

7. Jeremejevite

Jeremejevite was first discovered in the late 19th century in Siberia, Russia. It can be colourless, blue, or yellow, and is prized for its transparency and brilliance.

Jeremejevite is believed to enhance mental clarity and emotional stability. It is associated with the crown chakra, which promotes spiritual awareness and enlightenment. Jeremejevite is said to help overcome fear and anxiety, providing the wearer with strength and confidence. Its calming energy is thought to reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it a powerful stone for healing and meditation.

8. Benitoite


Benitoite is a rare blue barium titanium silicate, discovered in California, USA, in 1907. It is the official state gem of California and is known for its sapphire-blue colour.

Benitoite enhances intuition and provides clarity in decision-making. It is associated with the third eye chakra, promoting psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Benitoite is said to help in overcoming fear and anxiety, providing the wearer with strength and confidence. Its calming energy is thought to reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it a powerful stone for healing and meditation.

9. Black Opal

Black Opal

Black Opal is considered one of the rarest and most valuable forms of opal. It’s found predominantly in Lightning Ridge, Australia, and is known for its dark body tone and vibrant play of colours.

Black Opal boasts strong protective qualities and enhances creativity and emotional expression. It is associated with the root chakra, promoting grounding and stability. Black Opal is said to help overcome fear and anxiety, providing the wearer with strength and confidence. Its vibrant energy stimulates passion and motivation, making it a powerful stone for personal growth and transformation.

10. Serendibite

Serendibite is an extremely rare gemstone first discovered in Sri Lanka in 1902. It can range in colour from blue-green to black.

Serendibite is believed to promote serenity and spiritual awareness. It is associated with the throat and third eye chakras, enhancing communication and intuition. Serendibite is said to help overcome obstacles and achieve goals, providing the wearer with strength and determination. Its calming energy reduces anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

11. Poudretteite

Poudretteite is a rare gemstone discovered in the Poudrette quarry in Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, in the 1960s. This crystal is incredibly rare, with only a handful of gem-quality specimens known to exist.

Poudretteite is characterised by its soft pink-to-violet colour and transparent to translucent clarity. Metaphysically, Poudretteite is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and personal growth, promoting a sense of peace and well-being. It’s associated with the heart and crown chakras, helping to clear emotional blockages and promote spiritual enlightenment. Poudretteite’s soothing energy is thought to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a powerful stone for meditation and healing.

12. Clinohumite

Clinohumite is a rare and highly prized gemstone that was first discovered in the 19th century in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan. It has since been found in other locations, including Russia and Tanzania, but remains exceptionally rare.

Clinohumite ranges in colour from yellow to orange and occasionally brown. Metaphysically, Clinohumite has powerful healing properties, including enhancing vitality and strength. It is associated with the solar plexus and sacral chakras, promoting personal power and creativity. 

Clinohumite encourages personal transformation and spiritual development, helping to clear negative energy and promote a positive mindset. Its vibrant energy is thought to stimulate motivation and passion, making it a powerful stone for personal growth and transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rare Crystals

What crystal is the hardest to find?

Musgravite, discovered in 1967 in Australia, is one of the hardest gemstones to find. Its extreme rarity and limited known deposits make it highly valuable among collectors.

What are the 7 precious stones?

The seven precious stones traditionally include diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, pearl, opal, and amethyst. However, modern definitions may vary slightly, sometimes including gemstones like alexandrite and aquamarine.

What stone is rarer than a diamond?

Painite and Red Beryl (Bixbite) are both rarer than diamonds. Their limited availability and unique properties make them highly prized among collectors and gem enthusiasts.

Is there a rare birthstone?

Alexandrite is a rare birthstone for June, alongside pearl and moonstone. Its rarity and unique colour-changing property make it a unique and valuable birthstone option.

What is the rarest quartz?

Blue quartz, specifically Dumortierite quartz, is considered one of the rarest varieties of quartz. Its striking blue colour and limited availability make it a rare find.

What colour is the rarest crystal?

The rarest crystal colours often include deep red hues found in Red Beryl and the vivid colour-changing properties of Alexandrite, which can appear green or red depending on the light.

How can you tell if a crystal is real?

First, examine the crystal's clarity and inclusions; real crystals often have natural imperfections, while fakes tend to be too perfect. Check the weight and feel of the crystal—genuine stones are usually heavier and cooler to the touch than imitations. 

Conduct a scratch test using the Mohs hardness scale; genuine crystals should resist scratching according to their specific hardness rating. Additionally, research the crystal's typical characteristics and compare your specimen against trusted sources or have it evaluated by a professional gemologist for accurate verification.

Study Crystal Magic for £29

If you’re keen to learn more about crystals and their mystical properties, consider enrolling in the Crystal Magic Diploma Course at Centre of Excellence. This course provides a wealth of knowledge and insight into the world of crystals, and for a limited time, it’s available for a discounted price of £29. 

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